(800) 712-0905
Stepworks of Nicholasville
We're proud to offer our compassionate treatment services to individuals looking for a quality rehab in Nicholasville or the greater Lexington area.
Stepworks of Nicholasville is now open to all individuals needing help for addiction. We offer a supportive environment for those looking for rehab in the Lexington, KY area. Like at other Stepworks facilities, our Nicholasville location can accommodate women who are pregnant.
Programs and services provided at Stepworks of Nicholasville:
Detox and Residential Program
Start your journey with a short detox period before transitioning into our program of structured group recovery. You’ll develop the skills needed to transition back into ordinary life while working on lasting recovery. Our integrated team of providers will help you through your individual challenges and needs.
Short-Stay Detox/Withdrawal Management
Some patients will be ready to transition back into ordinary life after a short stay at Stepworks for medical detox and withdrawal management. We’ll make sure you’re as comfortable as possible as you transition off of drugs or alcohol and get ready for your new life in recovery.
Planning to come to Stepworks of Nicholasville?
See our What to Bring to Treatment page for information about what to pack.
Call Us Today!
(800) 545-9031

We meet our patients where they are, but we strive not to leave them there. We treat them with dignity and respect while showing them firsthand how recovery is possible.
Jennifer Shangraw, Facility Administrator

Or fill out the form below to find out how Stepworks can help you or a member of your family who is struggling with addiction.