Getting ready for your stay at our 30-day residential program? Read this page before you pack your bags! It’s important to plan ahead for what to bring to treatment. We recommend bringing a number of items with you to make sure your treatment stay is comfortable and hassle-free. We also ask that you leave certain distracting or inappropriate items at home, so that you can put 100 percent of your focus into your recovery.
(800) 545-9031

Recommended Items:
- Copies of your insurance cards
- Changes of clothing for a week (7 days) (Don’t forget underwear, socks, bras, etc.)
- Two sets of workout clothing for exercise
- If bringing leggings, please make sure that the top you wear with them falls mid-thigh and completely covers your buttocks. Otherwise, leggings are considered “form-fitting attire” and not allowed.
- Tennis shoes
- Jacket/sweater
- Pajamas, house shoes
- Liquid laundry detergent/fabric softener
- No more than $50.00 in cash/coins ($1 bills work best; also bring 1-2 rolls of quarters for laundry.)
- Personal toiletries, including shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb and brush, feminine hygiene products, etc.
Prohibited Items*:
- Cell phones or any electronic devices (tablets, e-readers, laptop computers)
- CDs , DVDs or TVs
- Cameras
- Stuffed animals
- Urns
- Weapons (knives, guns, or “sharps” of any kind)
- Drug paraphernalia, controlled substances, illegal substances, and alcohol
- Pornographic material or any sexually-explicit materials
- Medications which you are not currently taking
- Containers with unidentified substances
- Alcohol or any items containing increased amounts of alcohol (mouthwash/toothpaste)
- Previously-opened cigarette packs or tobacco logs and dip (Cigarettes and dip must be unopened when you arrive.)
- Loose tobacco, tobacco logs
- Electronic cigarettes
- Paraphernalia used in rolling cigarettes
- Clothing containing inappropriate content (drugs, alcohol, bars, taverns, offensive/satanic imagery or language)
- Revealing clothing (shirts that expose midriff, low-cut tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, form-fitting attire, shorts any shorter than mid-thigh)
- Bandanas
- Outside food or drink of any kind (including chewing gum)
- Battery-powered toothbrushes
- Nail polish and nail polish remover
- Hair dyes and chemical hair straighteners
- Aerosol products (including deodorant and hairspray)
- Perfume/cologne
- Hand sanitizer
- Work or employment materials
- Condoms or birth control devices
- Permanent markers or Sharpies
- Ace bandages
- Flashlights
*Note: If you bring prohibited items, our team will store them while you are at Stepworks, but we cannot guarantee their safety. Please make every effort to leave prohibited items at home.